Beyond Harm
Beyond Harm
The climate change STEW and the looming infrastructure failures

The climate change STEW and the looming infrastructure failures

As read by Jim Bratton

STEW - Sewer infrastructure, Transportation infrastructure (in particular elements of the chemical, oil, and gas supply chain including ports, rail, storage, and pipelines), Electricity infrastructure, and Water supply infrastructure present most of the infrastructure related safety hazards faced by the public.

Today, it is well understood that the increasing frequency and severity of flood, fire, and extreme temperatures is challenging the integrity of these critical infrastructure. The truth is, we are already operating “Climate Changed STEW.”

To read and hear more of Jim Bratton ‘s work visit:

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Beyond Harm
The BeyondHarm newsletter is focused on citizens’ management of risk by creating information symmetry across government, industry, and regulatory agencies written & produced by the research collective